MBISS GCH Summerlin Coming in Hot WC
Crash is a funny, eager to please boy who is so easy to live with. He gets along flawlessly with everyone and absolutely loves puppies. He serves as a great role model for the young dogs with his incredible patience and perfect Labrador temperament.
Crash finished his championship with 4 major wins under all breeder judges from the Bred By Exhibitor class! He has 4 Best In Specialty Show wins and 28 Grand Champion points from specialties. He is aging beautifully and recently won his 4th BISS after not stepping foot in the show ring for 2+ years and a 5 point grand championship major to complete his GCH title!
Crash has loves to retrieve and is enjoying field training. He easily got his WC at and two passes towards his Junior Hunter title at 7 1/2 year old!
MBISS GCHG Epoch's Moccasin Joe x CH Summerlin Hot And Dangerous
w. 5/27/16
Full Dentition
Bc (Carries chocolate)
OFA Good Hips
OFA Normal Elbows
OFA Normal Eyes
OFA Heart Clear By Echocardiogram
PRA Clear
EIC Clear
HNPK Clear
MCD Clear
CT Clear and carries protective gene
Long Coat Clear
Curly Coat Clear
Stargardt Clear/Normal
**Crash is retired!**